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"Debra in the Garden 2012"
This was an unfinished painting which I decided needed some final touches, while I was
still in the impressionist mood. It was also "staged " at Stanford University.
Above left, low resolution Above right, high resolution
The painting was completed with palette knives as well as brushes.
This was one of many of my experiments with warm and cool colors.
Below - Detail of painting to show the textures
Above left, low resolution Above right, high resolution
Below - Closeup showing paint strokes
Above left, low resolution Above right, high resolution
Below - Close-up of the hands
Above left, low resolution Above right, high resolution
Below - Close-up of the upper left portion of the painting
Above left, low resolution Above right, high resolution
Below - Close-up of leaves in the right portion of the painting
Above left, high resolution Above right, low resolution