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On a cycling tour of Tuscany, I was most impressed by a small hilltown in Tuscany.

As I biked up the hill in the trees, the town of Sassetta just jumped out into view.

Completely surrounded by woodland, the stone buildings contrasted the greenery.


Above left, high resolution                 Above right, low resolution

Above - The town of Sassetta, Tuscany, Italy.


Above left, high resolution                 Above right, low resolution

Above - The walkway just looks so inviting.


Above left, high resolution                 Above right, low resolution

Above - The church tower ended up smack in the middle of my final sketches, but I decided to keep it and tone it down, plus fade it into the background.


Above left, high resolution                 Above right, low resolution

Above - This close-up shows the distribution of color that keeps all of the buildings from blending in together. The differences in light and shade also help distinguish one building from another.


Above left, high resolution                 Above right, low resolution

Above - What I loved about the greenery surrounding the town was that the greens and blues complemented the reds and oranges of the buildings. I decided not to break up the woodland with other colors.

