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Toledo preserves an artistic legacy in the form of churches, palaces, fortresses, mosques and synagogues.

 This is a scene I photographed and sketched from across the Tagus River (El Rio Tajo).

The title of the painting could easily be "Churches of Toledo".

Far left (upper) is Iglesio San Marcos, left is the church of Santo Tome, middle is the Church

of San Ildefonso, and right is the Toledo Cathedral on the site of the Great Mosque of Toledo.


Above left, high resolution                 Above right, low resolution

Above - The churches dominate the upper city,

while the houses spill down to the river below.


Above left, high resolution                 Above right, low resolution

Above - The light on the buildings changes from yellow to blue

as it passes into the shadows.


Above left, high resolution                 Above right, low resolution

Above - It's hard for the Cathedral to not dominate the scene.

It was a struggle to tone the colors and light-dark composition.

There is more paint on the Cathedral than the total of the rest of the painting.


Above left, high resolution                 Above right, low resolution

Above - Colors and contrast become more intense in the foreground.

